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Facing Foreclosure? We Can Help
Everyone deals with misfortune at some point in their life, and sometimes it can cost you your home. If you are facing foreclosure, or – even more importantly – are actually in foreclosure – you have options you may not think you have. Contact Maxoffer; we know how to handle short sales and foreclosures because we do it every day.


A Short Sale May Be the Answer
Even if your home is already in foreclosure, Maxoffer can help you in a tough situation like this and change directions so you come out without the black mark of a foreclosure on your credit score. When a home is in foreclosure, a short sale can often be a great option. A short sale may be preferable to losing your home.



When Considering a Short Sale – It’s Important to Know Your Rights as a Homeowner
You need to know your rights as a homeowner and how to protect yourself and your family when making this kind of important financial decision, and every situation is unique. At Maxoffer, we don’t just believe – we know – that knowledge is power, and we can provide you with the advice and information you need to help you make the best financial decisions for you and your family. We can explain every aspect of the short sale process to you – and what your options are.



In a Short Sale – Your Debt Can Be Completely Settled If Done Correctly
If you choose to short sell your home, it's possible that your debt can be settled. And if done properly, this is a huge advantage. That alone can be reason enough to consider a short sale. Maxoffer to help you make an informed decision and the best choice for your family. Our track-record proves it.



In a Foreclosure You Need to Move Quickly 
In circumstances like a foreclosure, time is never on your side. Unfortunately, the longer you wait, the more difficult it will be to change the outcome from a “no-win” to a “win-win” situation. This is why it’s important to pick up the phone and call us. The team at Maxoffer is always happy to give consultations without any obligation. We can walk you through every scenario and give you the straight-forward, honest information you need to make the best possible decision in the shortest amount of time. At Maxoffer, we have your best interest at heart and we understand how important it is for you to get the highest price possible for your property.

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